Wednesday 4 May 2011

testing ^^

hi is a very hot day!!!!oh please,I need to use aircond to set me free of way my is hot already..but thank God cause I've found an old fan that is used for cooling the laptop..oh,just ignore what it is actually called..haha!
actually,this is my first time in 2011 to use internet explorer to write a new entry for my blog and I do feel so weird to use this web of the reason is it does not have grammar checker,spelling checker and so on..urgh!!!!I think it is better for me to use google chrome or others,except this one!okay,but sometimes internet explorer is better than others..but not so,just a little bit..haha..okay,does it sound arrogant?sorry guys(espeacially those who like to use internet explorer) ^_^..I am innocent to be someone in guilty~ lol

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